Home > Talk Tix / Team 7 Talk Tix 22 “Love the trees! Unique styles for every artist.” Your reaction to this TALK TIX: Add your own TALK TIX: (This may work best on your desktop or laptop computer.) YOUR ART: Hold your mouse button down to draw. (Please make at least one mark before you can submit this TALK TIX.) Clear YOUR QUESTION OR COMMENT (optional): WHICH ARE YOU REACTING TO? The TALK TIX at the top of this page.The artworks from ALL of the teams.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 1.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 2.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 3.The mobile from TEAM 4.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 5.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 6.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 7.The mobile from TEAM 8.The mobile from TEAM 9.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 10.The patchwork/collage from TEAM 11.The mobiles from FOREST STREET SCHOOL.The THEME: Mutual compassion, empathy, respect, and friendship across boundaries and differences.Conversation QUESTION: How do YOU (or how can we ALL) express compassion and respect? See more TALK TIX Prev Post Talk Tix 21 Next Post Talk Tix 23