Talk Tix are responses to the Seeing from the Heart artworks, or to other people’s Talk Tix.

You can make your own Talk Tix, either online right here, or on paper at our exhibition. We’ll scan the paper ones into this page, and you’ll see both the paper ones and the online ones below.

You can draw, write comments, or ask questions on your Talk Tix. The artists or anyone else can respond.

The purpose of Talk Tix is to let you and others in the community interact with one another, around the Seeing from the Heart artworks. Through interaction and conversation, we build community together.

Add your own new TALK TIX

Conversations around the Seeing from the Heart artworks and theme

    Create your TALK TIX

    *Draw your response.

    This might work best on your laptop computer or desktop computer. (Draw at least 1 mark before you can submit this TALK TIX.)

    (Optional.) Write your question or comment:

    *This TALK TIX is your reaction to:

    The TALK TIX at the top of this pageALL of the team artworksThe patchwork/collage by TEAM 1The patchwork/collage by TEAM 2The patchwork/collage by TEAM 3The mobile by TEAM 4The patchwork/collage by TEAM 5The patchwork/collage by TEAM 6The patchwork/collage by TEAM 7The mobile by TEAM 8The mobile by TEAM 9The patchwork/collage by TEAM 10The patchwork/collage by TEAM 11The mobiles by FOREST ST SCHOOL studentsThe THEME: Mutual compassion, empathy, respect, and friendship across boundaries or differencesConversation QUESTION: How do you express compassion and respect?

    See more TALK TIX